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Ticket purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable, except as otherwise stated in the Terms & Conditions. No credit will be given for participant’s failure to attend any Academy for which they are registered. Please consider a travel insurance to cover any injuries or other reasons for cancellations. For your protection, we strongly recommend the purchase of travel insurance that combines trip cancellation and interruption coverage, baggage loss, medical coverage, and medical evacuation coverage. Travel insurance is not included in the price.
If the event is cancelled by Arc’teryx, registrants may be extended a full refund (excluding any banking or currency conversion fees).
If you are booking clinics for yourself and others, please make sure that you enter everyone's names in the order checkout form. If you only enter your name for all tickets it will slow down your check-in on the day of your clinic.
Avoid booking clinics that overlap in time (some run over more than one day) or you will risk not being able to attend them all.
Consider fatigue over three active days, the specific skills and level of fitness required for each clinic.
Once you've confirmed your clinic spot, please ensure you review the Gear List and come prepared on your clinic day with everything on that list.
+ Â Clinic Waitlist